Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This is list #4

Jerrie Brown's husband- stage 4 stomach cancer,

CathyKats mother Sharyl- cancer in chest,

Karen- cancer in spine and kidney,

Dave from Iowa- lung cancer,
Junes brother-in-law- has surgery to remove cancerous tumor in her throat,
Keith, Robins friend at church- 7 masses on his lungs,
Judy Morrison- continues her cancer treatment therapy,

Julia O'melia mother of 3- terminal lung cancer, matistisised to spine and both hips,

Sarah Hall's grangfather, Charlie Hall- in Hospice with stage 4 lung cancer,
Doris Bledsoe's brother- carcinoma cancer of the kidney,
Preston- cancer,

Rose C.-had surgery, has MS and breast cancer,
Neijha's friend Brian- brain cancer, and her father- lung and brain cancer,
Hikmiye, large intestinal cancer,
Zekiye, intestinal cancer,
Jada, brain tumor,
Linda, brain tumor
Alfred- cancer,
Alice's husband Steve- pancreatic cancer,
Juanita from VGA FS- liver cancer,

(the following are now cancer free, we thank God for these Blessings)
Don Adair- had brain tumors,
Eileen in N. C. - had 8 cancerous areas in her brain,
Estelle Reed- had cancer,

and we pray for the cure.

Thanks for the help praying. Let me know if anyone needs to be added
to the list.
Ken O.

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Lord I pray that you will touch each one of these precious people listed here with your comfort and your healing touch and restore them to health to Lord Jesus. Nothing is impossible with you. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen.


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