Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please i need a prayer and christian mentor to help me strengthen my faith in the lord

Hello brothers and sisters in christ, i am here to seek for the help of powerful and devoted christians here to help me with my christian life....i will say i am just a baby in the lord and i need a mentor to guide me through on this journey to achieve my goal in christ ,someone i can be able to talk to like a friend,mother or father ,sister or brother etc. whom is truelly burning with fire for God and love him with all his or her heart,


Sometimes i get very weak in prayers and my christian life, this world is full of sin and devil tries every way he can to distract me with the worldly things., ..i pray and meditate to God regularly but the power and fire of God inside me is down and i need it to come up..mightyly.


In the past whenever i occasionally give myself completely to God and pray ,fast and mediate to him faithfully ,he usually opens my spiritual eyes to see whats going on around me and to help others too and my prayers use to be more effective ..but now i am completely blind and i cant even remember my dreams to enable me have a prayer point to pray on, i want all of you to put hand together and pray to God for his mercies,Grace and power to fall up on me and also help and guide me to maintaince and keep it.



My life have been full of battles and evil attacks from my enemies who doesnt want me alive and for me to succeed in life ,i was even poisned diabolically in africa when i visited my family and i am still going through the battle of strange moving objects in my body but God has helped me stay alive until today..i just recently found out that i and my husband are expecting...our first child and i have had lots of miscarriage and preterm birth in the past and lost all babies due to evil attacks whenever i am pregnant ..cos medically i am very healthy.but then i didnt know God like i do now  and i believe that this time will be different in Jesus name ,and i want you people to help me in prayers so that this my pregnacy will stay cos from the day i concieved this child its been one attack of the others again against my pregnancy.



So now u all can now see why i really want to recharge and enpower by christain life so that the enemies can not get me and my family and to serve God in truth and in spirit cos his grace has kept me alive today.



So a mentor or mentors to guide me through my christian life is what i need in my life right now to help me reach that level that God wants me in christ cos i know i am CHOSEN and he has a purpose in my life.  and please all the prayer warriors i need your help in regular  prayers especially during this time of my pregnancy ,i really need deliverance from all those attacks and i know with God all things are possible.


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Thank you all and remain blessed,


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Thanks alot for ur encouragement ,i appreciate it,may God bless you.
PIN 81653#
Stay encouraged, we all have at times beens dicouraged in our walk. Much like David when Saul was trying to kill or Elijah. Remember Neh 8:10 , and know that it will pass .
Dear Sister Evelyn - I, too, suffer as you do!! Strange feelings and thoughts keep coming up!! I KNOW that Jesus loves me - He died on the cross, shed His blood to save my soul but somehow I don't FEEL it in my heart!! I find that I can't get excited about God!! I know that we are to walk by faith and not by sight or feelings but I just don't know what to do!! I NEED HELP!!!!
Scripture declares that we are our brother and our sister keepers meaning we must continue to pray our strength in the Lord we all fall short of his promises and stand in need of encouraging. There's no shame in falling but the shame comes when we don't rise above our fall.
My Dear beloved sister Evelyn
God is holding you tight right now and he knows your fears, He knows everything about you. We are all babies in our walk for no matter how long we have served and came to him we are all in training , this will never end until we come home to Him. I do not know what Faith you are, what background you have, but understand God never ever gives us more then we can handle and yes we say to Him "its too much"
We love to go to Him in prayer and ask for mercy and for healing, and we come to him for so many things,, and we want it Now! but we have to remember it will come in His time,,we give him all our burdens and say i leave them to you Father, but then we have a nasty habit of picking them back up because we don't get the attension as fast as we want, teach yourself not to take back the things you hand over to Him, for when we do it becomes harder.
As for your pregnacy the Father will Bless yu put all your faith and trust in Him. Let it be his will.
God knows your heart my precious sister he knows your struggles and pain and He is carring you all the way.
I understand how you feel as if your vessel is empty i have been though this too, but its not empty or you would not be seeking fellowship.
Rebuke Satan, tell him to leave that you are a child of God and you want only Gods love not his garbage, do it regular, and then ask God to close every port hole of your body that satan will attempt to enter..
Place the Armor of God ( Ephesians 6;10) everyday do this.
i would love to mentor you if you wish.
Come to my page and message me and i will message you back with my email.
I have ministered on line for 8 yrs all across the world ,, mostly to Africans and they have testimonies you would not believe..
God is at work all the time..
Keep your eyes upon him. You are His beautiful Daughter and His love never stops..
God Bless.
He is wiping those tears now..and holding you so softly...


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