Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please pray for me that I may find job soon. It has been 3 months already and still struggling to find one with a better offer. I resigned last year from my previous company as I'm supposed to join another company. Unfortunately, when I resigned already a few weeks, the new company told me that their offer is on hold and just ask me to stand by until they advise me so but it's been 3 months already and still the same their advise to stand by and wait for their call. I need a job now because I got two daughters, my husband's income is not enough to sustain all our needs and obligations (bills, school expenses, food, etc.) I really want to help my husband. My husband and I are both working abroad but my visa will be expiring soon, this April that's why I'm in a dilemma right now. Oh, please for me that I will find a good job with better offer soon. And praying for good health, abundant blessings, peace and sound mind and body of my family... thanking too for all the blessings that God is still pouring on us. I know soon God will hear and grant my prayer. I'm asking this is Jesus name. Amen.

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I am praying here.
amen sister I will pray for you.....

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