Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This young woman was sentenced to life in prison for striking out at the 'pimp' who used and abused her - she was 16 years old and had been abused sexually and used sexually by this man for years - she is still serving time - she did kill the man who was abusing and using her.  I am not claiming that murder is ok -  I am asking for prayer for God's grace and mercy, she is now a believer.  

God's mercy in Christ Jesus is what I claim for this young woman who is in her 30s now, I believe. That God make a way out of no way for Sarah, that the stripes that Jesus bore and the forgiveness Jesus requested as he hung on the cross cover Sarah - AND since the Spirit of Life now reigns, not the letter of the law, that Sarah be released - and her new life pour into the young women who are continuing to be used sexually - stolen, captive, enslaved - FREEDOM from this is what Christ paid the price for - and I claim it for Sarah and all those she will minister to and pray over. 

I pray that God will pour into Sarah His abundant Love, Grace, Mercy, Peace, and Joy and that whom the Son sets free IS FREE INDEED!  In Jesus' Name, the name above all names, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen = 5 = GRACE!  Even so be it, Lord God.


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AMEN my sister I am in total agreement with you for Sarah may God awesome power be shown through her.

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Guardians Tag Ministry
Yes, Amen, I am praying for Sarah for god's mercy,forgiveness and blessings in jesus name.Amen.
Thank you, may God direct your steps in Jesus.


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