Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Request bro and sis in Christ to pray for my daughter Akita Koh .
She will be having her first year final Medical Studies Examination on 5th and 6th of May 2008.
Pray that she will be in best of health, well prepared fot the exam.
Pray for God's guidance and protection during the examination period.

Also Pray for my wife she seems to have some problem with her backach that effects her breathing too. Pray that she will be fully recovered.
Thanks. Koh

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Hello my brother and sister in christ.
you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
I bless your daughter, Akita Koh,to be a blessings, and that the Holy Spirit will bring all things back to her remember, and it shall be well; God bless the parents much love to you all,she is destiny and purposed to be a blessing the Lord thy God has been with her all the way He is not about to leave her now in Him she will,abide, and He shall lead her on the path in His and for His Namesake she has been placed in His will. Bless you all.Love you ,
Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore (Akita Koh) gets wisdom: and with all (her) getting (she)gets understanding.

Luke 2:52
And Jesus (Akita Koh has) increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man (her teacher).
Children at School

Father, in Jesus’ name, I confess Your Word this day concerning my children as they pursue their education and training at school. You are effectually at work in them, creating within them the power and desire to please You. They are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.

I pray that my children will find favor, good understanding and high esteem in the sight of God and their teachers and classmates. I ask You to give my children wisdom and understanding as knowledge is presented to them in all fields of study and endeavor.

Father, thank You for giving my children an appreciation for education and helping them to understand that the Source and beginning of all knowledge is You. They have the appetite of the diligent, and they are abundantly supplied with educational resources; and their thoughts are those of the steadily diligent, which tend only to achievement. Thank You that they are growing in wisdom and knowledge. I will not cease to pray for them, asking that they be filled with the knowledge of Your will, bearing fruit in every good work.

Father, I thank You that my children have divine protection since they dwell in the secret place of the Most High. My children trust and find their refuge in You and stand rooted and grounded in Your love. They shall not be led astray by philosophies of men and teaching that is contrary to truth. You are their Shield and Buckler, protecting them from attacks or threats. Thank You for the angels whom You have assigned to them to accompany, defend and preserve them in all their ways of obedience and service. My children are established in Your love, which drives all fear out of doors.

I pray that the teachers of my children will be godly men and women of integrity. Give our teachers understanding hearts and wisdom in order that they may walk in the ways of piety and virtue, revering Your holy name. Amen.

If you would like to continue to pray for our children and youth, Germaine suggests that you pray the Prayers for Children to be found in the Prayers That Avail Much Commemorative Edition.

Scripture References:
Philippians 2:13 Psalm 91:1,2
Deuteronomy 28:1,2,13 Ephesians 4:14
Proverbs 3:4 Psalm 91:3-11
1 Kings 4:29 Ephesians 1:17
Daniel 1:4 Psalm 112:8
Proverbs 1:4,7 Ephesians 3:17
Proverbs 3:13 Matthew 18:18
Proverbs 4:5 James 1:5
Colossians 1:9,10
Thanks to all that has prayed for my Daughter Akita.
We are so happy that she has passed her exam. She is
moving up into her second year in her medical studies.
Thank you so much for praying for her.
Also thanks for all that has prayed for my wife. She too has recovered from her backache.
Deeply appreciate all that help to pray.
Thank you.


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