Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

There is a movement by the enemy of our souls, to divide us here in America, and bring down the country that God has blessed and favored through good times and bad times.  9-11 did not do it - the acts of destruction and death brought us together.  So the enemy is trying to divide us through the realm of our thoughts - (prince of the power of the air he is referred to in the Word of God). 

While we do not agree on everything, our foundation and it is so very true today is WE THE PEOPLE.  As the Body of Christ we are uniquely different but still one body.  Can we agree today that LOVE, GOD reigns in our hearts and our lifes here in America, and that LOVE, GOD never fails.  No matter how stupid certain acts are - especially on campuses - we will commit to LOVE and forgive our enemies and place them in God's hands. Can we lay aside our 'differences' - lay them down at the feet of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, and agree to Our Father God's will to be done, not ours?  If so read on. . . . .

We speak to all mountains of division and lies and deceipt and tell them in Jesus' name to be removed and cast into the seas of forgetfulness.

As our Lord and Savior showed us in his very life and death, and resurrection - obedience is better than sacrifice - and so we choose to be obedient to our Lord God, Our Father, our Holy Spirt - and be led ino all truth of life for us here and now, in Jesus' Name, the name above all names we pray.

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen = 5 = GRACE!  Even so be it, our Lord God, Even so be it!


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