Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Hi,My soul is heavy,I am broken,I can't seem to unlove my husband James who left me for another woman.he led me to believe he was coming back to me but a reliable source says he's in love with this other woman and she brought him a house and a car,hearing about him is really tearing me up,i love him and don't want to lose him,but hey I do want GOD's will.Thank you in advance and GOD bless you.

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My Dear, Sweet, Precious Sister in Christ,

There will be many of us women who are well acquainted with your pain. Yes, it can be deep and passionate when the hurt is so new and raw, and it feels as if it can never be extinguished. But as I am a witness, God is still able! Cast your cares upon Him. Give of yourself to the causes of others. Allow yourself little or no time for relapse. Yet and again at inoportune times, the memories will come flooding back. Know that your love then is real, but all love is not always returned except the Love of the Lord. Let that be your strength and your guide. Jesus still loves you and will reach out to you in love and lead you to the Arms of the Master, where grace and peace await you. Dry your eyes and know that you do not walk along that road alone. For many have gone that way, but the Lord will undoubtedly lead them all Home in due time. I cannot say that your mate will learn his lesson and return to the comforts of his original connecting source in your heart; but rather later when you are more able, open your heart to others in the name of the Lord if that is what the Lord may have in store for you. If so, spend your time in readying yourself for a New Relationship in Christ. Analyze how you can make the new relationship better and stronger. Pray about it, and the Lord will guide you to a new place of refuge whatever that may be. Just always go to God, trust him, and He will take care of you. That is my prayer for you. May God bless you richly and comfort you as you give of yourself and comfort to others and work for the Kingdom here on earth.
Sis, I will be praying for you. Please dont worry God is in control and encourage yourself to be blessed . I will pray for your husband and for that woman.



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