Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Hello Saints,

I hope everyone is well on this day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it... despite
whatever we may be going through today, let's give God the praise, for He is worthy, Hallelujah!

Update on Jennifer Costa, she is showing signs of improvement, Praise God! If you can please
continue praying for her healing, that would be wonderful.

I am awaiting to receive an update by Maria, Piba Baez's daughter on how Piba is doing... I will
keep you posted once I know anything. Thank you for praying for this dear and sweet neighbor.

My friends in Kenya have written me to say that Ashley has another infection, she has broken
out in a rash all over her body and they are not sure what it is. Being that they are very poor,
they can't take her to a doctor, if you could please pray for divine healing for Ashley. Meshack
said she may have the measles. Please pray for this wonderful family and saints of God.

Could you please pray for my co-worker's Rana's daughter... please pray for her divine healing.
Please pray the Lord will give Rana wisdom and discernment regarding the next steps for her
daughter. And for the Lord Jesus to draw closer to them and comfort them at this time. Thank

Please continue to pray for Ms. Alvarez who has lymphoma and is undergoing treatment,
pray for a miraculous healing. Thank you.

I have such a burden lately for the increasing number of child abuse cases that are arising...
it grieves my heart greatly. Could you please join me in praying for the children, interceding
for all the children who are being abused, who have been abducted... please pray for the
children's divine protection... and may justice prevail over injustice by God's right hand... Amen.

A wonderful saint and servant of God by the name of Dr. Kanayama has received a vision from
the Lord to pray and intercede for revival in NYC. Those of you who pray, if you can join us in
praying for revival in this city and around the world. May we fall on our faces in repentance and
humility, that we may decrease and He may increase, and may His will be done in and through
our lives... and through this city and throughout the world... let there be a rippling effect
resonating from this city and beyond... May His Kingdom come!!

We pray all of these prayers today in Jesus' precious and holy name, Amen. Thank you
for faithfully praying along with me... may the Lord bless you and keep you in His loving Hand
today and always. Amen and Amen.

In His love,
Sister P.

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Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry You are all covered By the Blood of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ the Son of the Living GOD. Frist Heavenly God forgive us for our sin.Touch them all Heavenly Father God in Jesus name I ask in Jesus Name I pray. AMEN

I touch and agree with you, Dear Sister, in all that is the desire of your heart. May all these things be favorably met in Christ Jesus and for His Sake. Praise God.


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