Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Hello prayer warriors
We was just informed that Missionary Deloresa R. is in the hospital in intensive care this is all the information we have at this time one of her sisters from her church informed us today. no one can call her but her family so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

If you would like to go to her page Click Here

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All Powerful God,

I come on behalf of Missionary Deloresa R, who is in the hospital in intensive care. Father, we pray that you will look upon her needs and have mercy upon her body. Lord, we plead that You restore her to her rightful health and enjoyment of life. Father, we need more people in our midst who are willing to perform the work of the Kingdom at all times. We believe that one who has used her life as a missionary for your work in this world is still needed much here on earth today. If it be thy will, Lord, we ask that you give her the health, strength, and commitment to continue to do Your Will. We pray for the minds, expertise, and skill of all those who are involved in the medical intervention process for this, Your servant. Guide the hands and consciousness of all those that are overseeing this condition. Bless her family and all those who are concerned. Bring peace and tranquility to this situation in Your time, Dear Lord, and may we forever praise Your Name and give You the glory, honor and love. Amen.
Keeping you in my prayers.

She and her family are in my prayers
thank you for letting the family know about her situation. i will be thanking GOD in advance for her total healing. i will also be praying for her family and yours.
GOD bless you,
sandra landry
Love and miss you my sister get well soon take your time and let your insides heal touch Heavenly Father GOD and heal my sister in JESUS mighty name AMEN


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