Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I come to you all asking for you to stand with me in prayer for my cousin who
was stabbed last night! He was stabbed in two places, and has just come out of
emergency surgery to repair his right lung which would not stop bleeding...I
thank you all in advance and I'll keep you all posted on how the Lord moves!
I love you all and have a blessed evening!

LaTanya Scott
This request came from a dear friend of mine please keep her family in your prayers thank you

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i touch and agree with you in the matchless name of JESUS. i bind the strong man of death,hell and the grave in the name of JESUS CHRIST of nazareth. i command every foul spirit to leave him NOW, never to return again. satan you are already defeated and GOD is exalted. we claim this soul for the kingdom of GOD, whose power no foe can resist.
i thank you FATHER for your word that cannot return unto you void, and according to your word, he's already healed, i speak this word over his life and thank you that it's accomplished through your will, which is your word. i love you and praise you for your answers to prayers are yea and amen.
go in peace,
sandra landry
The blood of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coming Blessing your Holy and Divine name Abba, touching and agreeing for swift healing, healing by the power of your Spirit and the burnt offering of our mouth. Healing ever wound by the breath of your voice, you are the source of all life and all flesh, yes we touch and agree, Halleluyah with great shouts of thanksgiving, this is the heritage of your servants and our righteousness is of you, Blessed be your name! For it is in the name of Adonai Jesus we ask, it's by his blood we come baring our crosses for just one. and in the name of power of the YHVH Shaddai 'el (Jehovah the Almighty One) we pray my Adonai and give praises of thanksgiving!! Halleluyah Abba, Halleluyah Adonai Jesus, Halleluyah Divine Spirit! For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forvever and ever, let these things be so, not by our might but by your Spirit! Let these things be so.
Praying this day for Your Friend's Family, Beloved Sis, God Bless.

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Lord, God, we bind the power of Satan and decree that he has no hold on this life when God is in the room. Lord, we plead the "Blood of Jesus" and ask for healing and power for restoration to health. Send your Healing Angels, Lord. Let this Child of God be preserved for further acts of mercy to be given out into the world when the time has come. Merciful Father, come with your power and glory to fill the room and direct the hands of the physicians and the care of the nursing staff. Lord, we know you are able and that all power is in Your Hands. We bring this person before you today and count it as done in the Name of Your Precious Son. Amen.


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