Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer


Dear Beloveds.

Grace and Peace to you in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus. May Peace and Joy be with you and Yours, this Christmas and in all the days to come. Know that it is important to remind ourselves of the nature and of the source of real Peace and Joy. The peace and joy that our Lord intends for us to have are not contingent on our circumstances or on events, what gifts are given or received this day, or on our feelings; they rather spring from the relationship that we have with the Lord, Christ Jesus. In Christ Jesus, we have Peace with God and if we have peace with God we can then grow in peace with ourselves and with others. In Christ Jesus, we know true joy, a joy and peace, that passes all understanding, and has its total source in God, through His Holy Spirit, and that resides in the deepest places in our souls, places that circumstances, hardships, sickness, and feelings cannot touch. It is a bit of a mystery how this can be, I admit, but I have found it to be so in my own life, although I must also admit that it took much time and much struggle for me to come to a place where I could recognize and rest in the peace and joy that are mine in Christ Jesus our Lord. Beloveds, you will struggle too, but I want you to know that God is with you in the struggle and that in Christ Jesus, you do have peace and joy; it is there and you will find it. The main thing that Christmas means is that in the Baby Jesus, God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, came into this world, into its history, into its time, into its problems, into its struggles, into its sin, into its pains, into its anxieties, into its humanity, and thereby began the process of overcoming all those things that threaten to overcome us, including death and grief. We cannot help but give thanks to our God, for all that He has done for us, by His birth. Please know that I am Praying with you and for you this Christmas. My Prayer is that the grace and peace and joy that are yours in the Lord Christ Jesus, will be evident and obvious to you this day, as you celebrate our Lord Christ Jesus's birth, and forever more. I Pray that you enjoy all that is your's in Christ Jesus, and give Thanks to Almighty God, For Unto Us The King Of kings, Lord Of lords, Has Been Born! So we proclaim All Glory Emmanuel! God is with us!

God Bless You.
Much Love and Peace,
Your Sis, In Christ Jesus

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