Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Brenda Gittens

We live in a world today where love, the unselfish loyal concern for others, is not discussed, described, nor displayed enough. But there is discussion, description, and a full display of the opposite of it.

There's war, violence, hate, prejudice and much more we see and hear of everyday. And in the body of Christ, it's not in full operation or production either. There's jealousy, envy, strife, selfishness and much more when we walk in and out of those doors of the "four walls."

We the church are the light of the world, so the love that flows from God into us, should flow out of us, and be more evident and reflective among us. "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." (John 13:35).

How can we say that we love God without having the love of the Lord for our sisters and brothers? It can't happen any other way. When we love others, it's also a sign of worship to the Lord. As our love for the Lord continues to develop and grow inside of our hearts, minds, spirits, and souls, we can't help but love one another.

As a Worship Leader, after leading God's people into His presence, I would often remind the people of God, "Now with that same love that you have, turn and show someone else that you love them." Jesus, the True Vine tells us, "I command you to love each other in the same way that I love you." (John 15:12).

1 Corinthians Chapter 13 is what we call the love chapter. It tells us that we can have every gift and tremendous talent there is, but if we don't have love one for another, they wouldn't mean a thing to God, because he calls His people to love each other.

The gift of speaking in tongues would sound like brass used for making a loud sound or like clashing cymbals, just a bunch of noise! We can have the gift of prophecy and know everything about everything and the gift of faith where we could speak to a mountain and tell it, "Get out of my way!" but we have no love, we wouldn't be of any good or help to anybody. We would be absolutely nothing.

This chapter of the word of God is one that we can read over and over and over and then apply it to our lives over and over and over . . . the greatest of all is love.

To love others also means to forgive others. If you love someone, you should be able to forgive them also. That's the kind of love that God has for us. When we say we love God and others, we're also saying that we need one another too.

There's a song that we sing often in our church entitled, I Need You To Survive.
Let this song become a part of you today.

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