Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Pastor Marquis Boone

People of God, adversity comes in many shapes, forms and fashions. Everyone will face adversity, but not everyone will conquer it. The difference between facing and conquering adversity is knowing the secret ingredient. The secret ingredient is powerful; it's a weapon; it's articulate; and it's a producer of victory. This ingredient is called "praise".

For some of us our life is missing the secret ingredient. It is not necessarily because we do not have it, but because we really don't know how powerful it is in making us more than conquers. One of the strangest things about this season of your life is that it seems like it lasting forever. One of the purposes God has for our lives is that we grow to maturity in our praise to Him. I believe that God is trying to get His people to a level of praise where we won't question His doing, but will praise Him regardless of the present.

That's why many of us can't sleep at night because God is disturbing your spirit and saying praise Him right in the middle of the situation.

This is why you sit in the car and just go to crying and you don't know why you're crying. God is pressing you. When God calls

you to greatness He disturbs your spirit; He disturbs your surroundings; He shakes the very foundation that you stand on and presses you and develops you. However, what He is inserting you into a place where all you can do is pray and praise.


I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth" Psalms 34:1 (NKJV)

Praise will allow you to see breakthrough in many areas of your life. Having praise in your mouth not only confuses the enemy, but also confuses people around you who know what you are going through. This secret ingredient is so powerful that it becomes a weapon and pulls down strongholds; it casts down arguments; it casts down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and it brings every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. When you add praise you go from facing adversity to conquering adversity.

Today, add the secret ingredient of praise to every area of your life, continually. No matter how it looks my sister and no matter what they say my brother. Remember, praise will help you become more than a conquerer. Start praising and watch the Lord be magnified in your life. (Psalms 35:27-28)

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