Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

" And Yashua/Joshua spake unto the priest saying, take up the Ark of the Covenant , and pass over the people. And they took up the Ark of the Covenant, and went before the people. And the Adonai said unto Yashua/Joshua , This day will I begin to magnify you in the sight of all Yisra'el/ Isra'el , that they may know that as I was with Moshe /Moses, so I will be with you. "

Well beloved of Messiah, we're back! Praise Adonai, with a little of what we have been blessed with in all the honor and glory to our dear Abba, that we could muster up today,,To Him be the Glory Forever!! Halleluyah!

Shared with you last time that this all came about because of a discussion between myself and my sweet anointed Ma. Our food for thought time (we have those alot). Well she as always placed before me one of those questions that you can't just leave alone. Those question that make you enquire and do a little meditating in the Beloved. So I asked and was put in rememberance of such blessings in my little walk that I was moved to share with you.

Where is our Upper Room???

Think I shared that as the new person in me was just a baby, the Adonai taught me early on that I would never have to nothing without him, that there was not anything that I would ask him that he would'nt have time to show me, even if I just did'nt understand the importance of these things until many moons later, some I still can't grasp yet.
He would let me know that this way we will be able to see his words manifest themselves and come to pass,,,one of these was "I will put you in rememberance of everything I have taught you."( John 14:26 )

So I did'nt even question when I was told by those that seemed to know him to talk to him,,,
"Lord" I said, I don't know what to preach about." Innocently I was impressed with a question, he'll do that to me alot, just like my Ma. He said "What was the first question you asked me?"This was'nt difficult, see at this point I knew what he was talking about, the experience was still fresh,,,, can I tell you I was tired of the ookie doke! Seems I had went everywhere asking questions about life, love and the ways of the world. But this first time, a question arose in my little spirit and I could'nt go to a mere man with this,,,,how would they know? Know disrespect to any teacher or preacher or even myself, but theres just somethings beloved that only Messiah can answer. To make a long story short, I had read Acts chapters 1 and 2, and I searched for him low and I searched for him high, and finally,,,,"Lord" , I said, " Where are you now? Where is this stuff? The Holy Ghost, your power! "Lord" I said, "the preacher says over and over again that you are the same, yesterday, today and forever,,,I don't understand why you were there for them and not here now?"
Well it's what happened!!! I had know idea, could even fathom that ,,this question,,would be answered. Gotta tell you the rest of this later , Halleluyah.
See as my Ma asked me that question, it was as if He did too, and I had to answer it! You can't leave all this stuff bottled up inside you'll rupture, glory! So I'm here brethren, in all the greatfulness and all the joy and all the love that he put in me, to tell you,,,This is all too real!

The Ark represented in a shadow, the type of Messiah we would glory in,,,
He would carry within him the Law of the Living Elohiym/God,
he would carry the anointing of the rose of Shar'on that budded on Aarons rod,
he would be our Manna from heaven, when we needed nourishment.
he would be our mercy seat, the blood of the sacrifice would be upon him.
The cherubim would cover this throne (Exodus 25:22) and everytime,,,I mean everytime we got before Him we would be protected from the enemy, ministered to, covered in his glory and restored by His presence, all instructions He has for us would be given in this place,,,Halleluyah!!!!

The shadow of this ark was used in the book of Yashua/Joshua to make a pathway for the preparation of cleansing in the Jordan and to make a safe pathway for the people of the Most High Elohiym/God (Joshua 4:7).

This ark beloved , this preparation for cleansing and the pathway,is in you, and you, and you, and me! We would carry him all over, by the force of our mouth we would testify of Him, the enemy would be confused, the land would be conquered and our brethren will gather to it!! Have mercy!!! How powerful is this? Afterwards Elohiyms people "shouted" and the power of Adonai's presence knocked down the walls of Jericho!!! Well Now!!

What you may ask does this have to do with the upper room?? As bad as I want to share that with you right now, I need a minute. Time for me to have some supper. Need some spiritual feeding. Thanks for coming though, you don't know how you've blessed me. See by telling this seems I now have to take a little journey I've talked myself right into the same upper room I'm tryin to tell you about.

On my way back I promise to stop by a little longer,,,,,to be continued


" Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can you, except you abide in me. " ( John 15:4 ).

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