Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

My elder sis(sibling) Liani having 5 sons with many grand children, please pray for them, three are not yet saved, evil doers specially the middle son Cheema.  My sis and bro in law are having so much problem, my sis Liani is a preacher but she gone down so much.  Please pray for her financial situation as well.

Thank you.

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I will and I do know God is Able we come together on Thursday Night through Sunday Night you are Welcome to Join Us (218) 844-8230 code 469093# start at 7pm CST & 8pm EST. Be Bless

Dear Lord God, I lift up sister to you on today and ask that you will bestow the spirit of prosperity upon her life and finances, touch her to see her way through any difficulty by placing her eyes on the Lord Jesus.  Remove all hindering spirits of poverty that may attack her finances and restore unto her - her rightful place in you.  I bind the demonic forces of evil that attacks and manipulates her children and ask the blood of Jesus be applied to their thoughts, conscious mind and subconscious mind and i bind the enemy attacks upon this family.  place a hedge of protection around every area of their lives, in Jesus name. Amen.




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