Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Especially for Cynthia, Minister Donna, Sharon & Deloresa

Tried to leave separate messages for you all,
gonna find the scripture

the Word is nigh us even in our mouth and in our hearts, the Word of FAITH which we preach

isn't it a comfort to know that God will hold our right hand and say to us 'fear not'
God will help us

why do you think God is going to hold our right hand, and not our left?

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Blessings and peace be unto you! This is a cause to shout my friend! Well I can only go to the source! And this is the first word that fell into my spirit.
" The Adonai (LORD) says to my adonai (Lord); "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet." Ps. 110:1 (other references- Matt. 22:44, Mark 12:36, Acts 2:34, Hebrews 1:13) Symbolically the right hand is the hand of strength and power, its also the the hand of favour and giving. The left hand represents judgement, for instance the Adonai will seperate the goats and the sheep, goats on left, sheep on the right (Matthew 25:33). We know that the Father has the Son in this position, Halleluyah! All that know his voice will be placed at his right. For Acts 13:39 says " And by Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses,,,,, and also Roman 8:30. We are sheep (followers by faith) cleansed and made pure by the blood of the Lamb who has total Dominion, all power and might, he who was in position, is in position and will be in position forever and always!! Who is mightier than He??? Halleluyah, Halleluyah!!! Praise His Holy Name! We know not what He should look like but we know that when we see Him we shall be like him! The Father must hold us as he holds the Son, thats in us. This is our destination, this is His oracle.
Hope this is what your asking. Please let us know whats been revealed to you! Lets sup together!

Christian Glitter by

Minister Donna Dixon
please can you tell us
how would you define supplications?

because the word of God says we must be anxious for nothing
but in everything in prayer and supplications
are we as Christians making supplications?

because at present I feel anxiety, because I've received no word from the agency about the teaching role for next week

Minister Donna Dixon really bless my soul
I've just been out of my home for nearly 11 hours, so you could guess how drained my body is
but reading Donna's encouragment and explaining why God will work on our right hand has really watered my soul
I'll definately shout

The scripture - the Word is nigh us even in our mouth and in our hearts even the word of FAITH which we preach
is taken from
Romans 10:8

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Guardians Tag Ministry Peace be unto you my friend in our Adonai Jesus the Messiah, Okay there are two things that you have addressed here so we will with the help of the Spirit take them one at a time.
" Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,and watching there unto with all preserverance, and supplications for all saints." Ephesians 6:18
A supplication is a petition thats made, a deep longing from the soul that is in the covenant of marriage. It is a specific thing that a spouse only can ask of another spouse. Knowing that through the position of this spouse that it will be granted by them. The greek origin is translated from the word "deos" which means to be bound to. Other references are in these following scriptures-- Romans 10:1, 2 Corinthians 1:11. So Paul seems to be talking about prayer, thanksgiving (praise) and deeper prayer (intimate conversation). Further more he lumps us all together as one, remembering that Adonai Jesus is the Bridegroom and the Church his bride. Its like what takes place in this prayer forum. As many as one, go to the throne of grace to petition our Father, for the cause of another, each taking with them their deep prayers of the soul one for another as the spirit gives us utterance. This is seen further down in this same chapter in verses 19-20 as he is the one asking for the supplication so that he may witness the gospel that he is bound to in Messiah (Christ). Another reference of this type of petition can be seen in Colossians 4:3. Here Paul is asking others that are bound to Messiah's service for deep prayer of specifics, such as utterance in the power of the spirit, to speak as boldly as he ought to speak (ephesians 6:20 also).
Secondly you spoke of anxiousness.
When a spouse goes to another spouse, that they knows loves them and has only their best interest at heart, they don't worry about it, but they wait patiently knowing that their spouse will do their best and will not let them down. If I were to ask my natural husband for a car and I knew he was working hard to provide, I wouldn't pressure him but I'd wait and watch just knowing the cars coming as soon as he can get it. Adonai Jesus gives us a very excellent example in Matthew 6:25 " Therefore I say unto you, take no thought (be anxious) for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not life more than the meat, and the body than raiment?" As we go on just a little further we see what the promise is and more importantly our part that we must move in as the petitioner, by seeking the kingdom (being in the intimate presence of our spouse). The word "thought" here means anxious, or worried, to be distressed or extremely uneasy. What gets us this way?? Doubt and impatience, not knowing our spouse very well. Sadly we all do these things from time to time. But thats when prayer gets a little deeper!!! This takes trust!!! what if I ask for a honda and my spouse decides to give me a mercedes benz??? Will i be angry cause its not exactly what I ask for?? In this case too remember our spouse is no ordinary man who lies or repents!! He is the Ellohaynoo Almighty (God Almighty), The Author and Finisher of our faith, He is faithful and true, even when we don't deserve it. He is the maker of the heaven and the earth!!! He is the Bridegroom!!! Halleluyah!!! And he is the Halleluyah too!!! Like any Husband thats a good provider he knows what we need and he knows when it'll be best for us and the whole household! Therefore as hard as it may seem cause the flesh wants what it wants when it wants it!!! We must trust our Husband!! Because of who he is and who we are to him, we know that it's all working for our good for them that love Him and that are called according to his purpose!!
I hope once again you have the answer that you seek in His word. You have prayed, the saints are making supplication, wait on the Adonai (Lord) and be of good courage, wait I say on the Adonai!! Be Blessed in the overflow my friend,,,, just wait with a pure heart, and see the salvation of the Adonai!!! In Adonai Jesus name we declare,,,, Amen.


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