Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

This Prayer Request for Brother Are Sørlie
this is the message.

Can you lift me up in prayer,I have some problems with my body who I ask Jesus to heal,wath concerns me now is with spots on the skinn on my arms.I need Healing and Gods protection I also needs to be seth free in Jesus.Amen.I also ask you to pray for my daughter Tonje,She lives 1000 kilometers away from me.On tusday I and my daddy is going with car to here home town.Its 13 ouers with car and on difficult roads.Can you ask God to protect us on ouers journey,Also ask Jesus to build a strong reationship with me and my daughter,there is some obstakels and problems,Also ask Jesus to be close to me when I am together with my daughter,that there is no problems.Also pray for here mother,Ellen we are in court regarding ouer daughter and need God to take all controll over that case,Can you pray for healing,protection and a perfect meet with me and my daughter,also lift up in prayer Mette my childs grand mother,I dont tink she is saved.Pray all that the holly spirits leads you too

Tanks so much,God bless you all

Best regards Are Sørlie,Brother in Cris

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Will keep you in prayer, Brother.

We thank you God that you are a all knowing GodWe are asking you Heavenly Father God to touch hearts and touch minds that your will be done in all this brothers circumstance In Jesus Christ name. AMEN

Dear Father God, we beseech Thee to provide healing and comfort to this man, who is experiencing skin disorders. Father help him to find the means to be cured and comforted. Lord, we also pray for the reconnection of his family with his daughter. Please make the way plain for a wonderful family relationship to occur. Savior, we ask that you send traveling mercies his way to allow him to reach his destination and return safely. Father, whatever is the problem between him and others, please do not let it stand in the way of a loving family reunion. We ask that all the other desires of this man's heart please be met, in the Holy Precious Name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.


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