Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

I despritely need prayer & financial help now cause I despritely need a good car now & I honestly don't have any money at all.

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Thank u
Dear Friend,

Just keep the Faith. God will undoubtedly come through for you in the very end. He may not come when you want Him to, nor in the way you think he might, but He will be timely and welcome. Continue to pray and believe. My prayers continue to go out for you.
Ok; Pearls of Wisdom I'll try.
Touching and agreeing in your will Holy Abba, for all the saints whom the enemy has tried to leave barren, for we know that you said you would fulfill all our needs according to the riches in your glory. You said for us not to be concerned about these things, that we should seek first your kingdom, and Abba sometimes it's tough, but with the measure of faith you have granted us, we ask and seek. Help us in all these places for you never meant for us to do this alone, and we thank you that you are the Head of your holy body, your are the true Shepherd and we are your sheep. That your judgements are Righteous. That the weapons may form but they shall she not prosper because the righteousness that in us is from you, you spoke it therefore you will fulfill. All these things we ask for your name sake, for it's in Adonai Yahoshua's (Lord Jesus) name we ask, and in the name of you the Almighty Abba, YHVH Shaddai' el (Father Jehovah Almighty God), we pray and give thanks. Halleluyah and Amen.



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