Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Greeting in the name of the Lord,my heart has been heavy with much concerning my love one's I thank you all for the prayers that are going up for my daughter I am so thankful to you all, I am also asking prayer for my Son he wrote me a letter asking me to please pray for him, he has been in prison for about 3 years and the first part of time prison time he spent suffering at the hands of enemy by being stabbed 12 times but, I called on the Lord and he saved my child, and each day he is going through so much behind the prison walls and I am asking that you would pray with me that God will deliver him, we all make makes mistakes in life, he says he forgives the ones that stabbed him, so I know that God is doing what I asked of him and that is to bless my son and keep him alive so that one day his testamony will, help someone else to give their heart and soul to God, so please pray that God will deliver him that can come home to his family, I thank you with all my heart and pray for you and yours !

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Hi Ginia,
I ask God to protect and help your son. That he comes home safe and sound. Father I ask that he comes to know Jesus, the way to salvation. In Jesus' name, Amen.

God is rich in mercy. He forgives us as far as the east is from the west.
God bless,
Mary O.
I am forever so thankful for your prayers it means so much, because I feel that God has sent me to the right place and have put people in place to touch and agree with me in prayer concerning the things that have been heavy on my heart, may God rain down on you and yours with many blessings !
I say thank you Jesus for sending the prayer worriors my way, I am so thankful for your prayers and I know king Jesus is listening and he is going to answer, and he is going to be right on time because he is never late, may God forever bless you and your family !


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