Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Please pray for these people who have cancer...
this is list #3

Bruce Davis- cancer,

Gary Choat- cancer,
Debbie- ovarian cancer and now has spread,
Larry Fain- cancer and waiting for a liver transplant,
Alicia's grandfather,Hardy Shelton- cancer in lungs,
Don Imus- stage 2 prostate cancer,
Mick Collier- cancer in his body,
Robert Burkhart- cancer in his lungs,
Stacy Shilfflet- cancer of the esophagus,
William (Bill) Latimer- cancer of the lip,

Margaret Swift- in the last stages of cancer,
Dale B.- bone cancer,
Penny- Bone Cancer .... nearing the end,
Joey- tumor in eye,
Roy Jr.- Prostate cancer,
Elayne Schwarzel- tumors in lung, abdomen and liver,
Christi Lucas- Melanoma cancer,
Harvey Pittelko- intestinal cancer,
JinSung Lee- cancer,
Linda Baker, Dorothy Boone- both with cancer,

Martin- final stages of cancer,

pray that God will send us a cure.

Thanks for the help praying. Let me know if anyone needs to be added
to the list.
Ken O.

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Please add this little Girl Alyssa Riekofski who has brain Cancer
She will be on list 3. Let her know that we are all praying for her.
God bless
Ken o.
Let us pray for all cancer Patients & their Families that this dreaded disease will be cured AMEN

Lord God, there is so much to pray for. Father, you know the situation addressed above, Lord. There are man of your people in various stages of disease and discomfort. Father, first I pray for their encouragement and strength to be able to undergo what they must go through. Lord, help them to look at their lives as whether they are in a stage of readinessto return to Thy Kingdom. Let their living and their passing glorify Your Name. Where it is possible and within Thy Will, Lord, please allow those that would stay longer, to remain with us and their famlies further. Where you would bring forth miraculous recoveries, Heavenly Father, we appeal to Your Wisdom and Power to do so. We hereby take time to pray for their families, Lord God. Please give them acceptance, strength, and love to endure whatever they may face. Lastly, O Merciful King, we plead that you would hasten the day when the scientists will be allowed to discover a cure for this dread disease. Creator, we know that all things come of God in His own time. Please keep us in Thy will and in Thy Way as we work our way back into Thy Kingdom. Praise Your Holy Name. We love Thee, Lord. Amen.
Let me add some more cancer patient names as folllows:-
Mr. F.Lalnunzira
Mr.Fredy Lalnunzira
Mrs. Lalrinhluii
Mrs. Lallawmzuali
Mrs. Vanlalruati
Mrs. P.S.Vanlalhuma

Thanks for prayers
I started a new list for you. I'll post it here soon.
People keep sending me all natural cures, since you work with cancer patients, would like me to send you information that you can share with them?
There are all kinds of scams making all kinds of claims, but the ones that I have collected really sound genuine. Like the one on this discusion page -Rodent Tuber.
Tell the people on your lists that we are praying for them.
God Bless
Ken o.
These are the cancer patients list whom I visit /pray/devotion with them almost everyday.
1, Master Rorelliana
2. Mr. Vanlalvuana
3. Mr. Lalnunzira
4. Mr.A.Rothanga
5. Mrs.Chalnguri
6. Mr.Sainghinglova
7. M.Zodinliana
8. Mr.K.Lalmuana
9. Mr.Sanglura
10. Mr.Freddy
11. Mrs.Hmingthantluangi
12. Mr.Vanlalfima
13. Mr. C.Laldawnga
Thanks for prayers.
I will put them on my lists. Here is a list of natural ancer cures if you would like to share it with them. let me know how it works out if they try any of them.

Vitamin C
Please, everyone remember what I shared about treating cancer. Homeopathic
doctors have discovered that high doses of vitamin C injected into the veins of
a person will cure ALL cancer!!
It's a shame that our FDA doesn't disclose information about cures as they
should -- why? -- because they are on the side of treatments that will provide
larger profits and incomes for "big pharma'" companies, etc. Shame, shame!!

<> God have mercy on us all
In God we must trust!!
Here is a link to a site that provides information on the Gerson Therapy.
Here is a part of a conversation by someone who used it...

I'm sorry to hear that Dennis. Although it is never too late to do the
treatment she has to be willing. Actually all the treatment is is juicing fresh
vegetables. You drink 13 glasses of fresh juice everyday. It's an all
vegetable diet. Then she would have four coffee enemas everyday. Carrot and
apple juice is the best for juice. It's a very time consuming thing and she
would need someone there full time almost just making juice. I don't have
cancer anymore (I hope) but I still do the coffee enemas because I don't want
cancer to return. If Mark would be willing to get her a juicer and enema bag or
bucket she could still recover. Many people have recovered that have been
terminal. Of course it would be better if he talked to the gerson clinic for
the best advise but I also know the procedure and can tell him how to do it all.\

Cancer Formula
> > Friends,
> > Eight months' ago, my collegue's mum, who has
> an advance stage colon cancer,
> > was asked by a specialist in a well known cancer
> specialist centre in Penang
> > to discharge, not because she has recovered, but she
> only has three more days
> > of life, due to the the tumour has blocked her colon.
> > It just happen that another collegue, who is a family
> friend of the first
> > collegue, got the above cancer formula from her
> manager. She boiled this
> > formula and took it to her friend's house to let
> her friend's mum to drink.
> >
> > On the 3rd days after the patient took this formula,
> she pass out whatever
> > trapped in her stomach. One week later, she can
> walk out of her house balcony
> > and waive to the collegue who cooked the famula for
> her. The patient is
> > recovering and still living, to the surprise of the
> cancer specialist.
> > My family took this formula in the past six months, as
> a general health
> > soup, and we found that we are not easily infected by
> common flu. Even if
> > we were infected by flu, it just recover after taking
> some medicine from
> > general physician, without develop into bronchitis or
> fever.
> > Most of the ingradients are available at Tesco, except
> the leave of "white
> > carrot" which need to reserve from the vegetable
> whole-seller (who use to
> > chop-off the leave from the "white carrot")
> before he send the "white
> > carrot" to retailers.
> > Kindly circulate to as many people as possible as it
> may save life.
> > Thanks.
> >
> >

Vegetable Soup Recipe - (2 day's quantity)

• 16 ounces white daikon
• 8-10 ounces white daikon greens
• 8-10 ounces carrot
• 8 ounces burdock root (called Gobo in Japanese, Uang in Korean, Ngao pong or
Niu pang in Chinese)
• 3-5 fresh shitake mushroom (sundried) - if not sundried, expose dried
mushrooms to sun again.
1. Don't peel anything! Don't add any seasoning!
2. Fill a pot with three times the quantity of water as the vegetable. When it
comes to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for two hours. Strain and drink.

Colon Cancer: Three Cancer Attacks and He Became Cancer-free After Herbs


After years battling with cancer, Yap was declared cancer-free on 5 August 1994.
I had the privilege to meet with Yap on 18 March 1999. You can view our
conversation in the video section of our website: The following
are excerpts of what Yap said.

I had three cancer attacks. One was in the colon, 15 years ago. The second one
was at the rectum 10 years after my first. As a result I had to wear a colostomy
bag throughout my life. And then came the third cancer attack -- behind the
prostate gland. Immediately after my second chemotherapy, the cancer came back
again. The doctor told me he could not do anything; he could not give me
radiotherapy because the cancer was just behind the prostate gland. Also, after
three operations he could not operate on me again. He could only give me

I wondered and ask the doctor, "I have just finished my chemotherapy and you are
asking me to take another dosage of chemotherapy. It means that the cancer cells
could not be bothered with the chemotherapy?" The doctor agreed. So I went back
home refusing, of course, to take the chemotherapy.

I was contemplating how to die with dignity. Cancer patients always die
miserably, in pain all over the body. Also, sometimes even morphine cannot
reduce the pain. In my case, I know that chemotherapy did not help especially
after my second attack.

Question: You have been battling with cancer for so many years. What did your
doctor say? Do you have any other avenues?

I almost gave up hope. My doctor could only give me chemotherapy again which he
agreed would not have any effect on me. Knowing this, I turned to the rodent
tuber, initially, not because I believe in it. In fact, my first impression was
it was very repulsive. Fortunately, my wife believes in it and she would cling
to any straw. I became even more sceptical after learning that it is only a
plant. This friend of mine who gave me the rodent tuber, had lung cancer
himself. His doctor found him to be inoperable because the cancer had spread to
every part of the lung. So, they stitched him back without doing anything. He
was supposed to have died after four months. He did not die.

Instead he was recommending the rodent tuber to me. He gave me the rodent tuber
himself, and my wife believed in it. Since there is nothing to lose, I just
drank the juice. It was not tasty. When I took the rodent tuber, somehow the
cancer pain I had disappeared almost immediately. I was thinking if I were to
take it everyday, I could die with dignity.

I took the rodent tuber quite reluctantly in the beginning ... until two weeks
later -- I realized it had some scientific basis. I decided I had nothing to
lose except to try. I went back to my doctor and ask for chemotherapy and
together took the rodent tuber -- this is more as a revenge trying to kill the
cancer cells before I was killed by them! And after that somehow, the cancer
never appeared again.

In the beginning, I took the rodent tuber juice three times at 50 grams per day.
Then, I could not even lift the "pounder". At that time, I was half my present
size. My weight was about 90 pounds. Now, I am 155 pounds. I always insist and I
always tell everybody: what have we got to lose?

Question: People are sceptical about this. When you take the rodent tuber, it
may interfere with the chemotherapy. You said that you were taking rodent tuber
at the same time you were on chemotherapy. Did that interfere with your

I took both together. At that time I could not be bothered whether it would
interfere with the chemotherapy or not. Chemotherapy alone was not effective.
What else could I do to keep myself alive?

Question: When you finished with the chemotherapy, did you continue with the
rodent tuber?

Oh, yes. From medical perspectives -- after the surgery, radiotherapy and
chemotherapy -- there is practically nothing else for the cancer patient. If the
cancer still exists, that means we are waiting to die.

At least now, we have this rodent tuber which is relatively not so poisonous. I
have been taking this for two to three years. I took the juice three times a day
for a few months. After that I reduced it to twice a day -- .taking it very
religiously for eight and half months. Then I went for a medical check-up and
fortunately, the cancer had disappeared.

The doctor was obviously very pleased about it. I went to Australia for another
medical examination –reconfirmation -- and the doctor in Australia confirmed
that I was free of cancer.

After one and a half years of close combat, I was declared cancer-free on 5
August 1994. Everything was worth it. I share my victory with you.

Cancer is normally regarded not only as a disease but also as a death sentence.
How can we cling on any hope when everything seems hopeless? Many people, when
faced with such an agonizing experience, usually give up. They find it pointless
to continue living. A quick death is more merciful. I refused to accept defeat.
Life was too precious to be destroyed by the enemy within. I had to fight cancer
physically, emotionally and psychologically. And I won.

Note: As of this writing Yap is still active and healthy, living a cancer-free

Extracted from the author's book: Cancer Yet They Live!

Newspapers talking about rodent tuber\

For more information visit:,,

Rodent Tuber - Hepatitis (Don't know which) cure also?

According to Cancer Care Malaysia, various diseases have been cured of various
cancers is a disease and breast cancer such as weight, lung, colon-rectum,
liver, prostate, kidney, uterus neck, throat, bone, brain, spleen, leukemia,
bile , pancreas, and hepatitis.\
Thanks so much, its so blessings.
Heavenly Father, you are merciful indeed, you are the fountain of all goodness. In your mercy, send you Holy Spirit to be upon the above mentioned people. Where there is a need for spiritual healing and reconciliation, let it be so, and bring a physical healing, a cure for their cancer, that they and all involved will know that you are powerful and mighty, and that all things are possible with you Christ Jesus. This we ask in your name Jesus Christ. Amen.
Rev. Abad
Sacred Heart of Jesus


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