Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

Hi All,

Kindly keep my friend Gail in your thoughts and prayers.

This is the mail from her daughter.

Gail had leukemia.
Gail is not doing well at all will you PLEASE pass this email on to your prayer warriors and have them pass it on too. Thank you.

From Jess, Gail's daughter.
I'm kind of sending this out to a couple different people, so here's the update on Mom. Jayme and I were up in Madison all day at the hospital. On the way up there, we got a phone call that they needed to transfer her to the Intensive Care Unit. When we got up there, they were in the process of moving her. I won't lie, she looked like hell. She had a bipap machine to force oxygen in her, and she was in amazing pain. Her new oncologist, Dr. Sanyal, told us the news. First of all, she didn't rest last night. She slept for a couple hours, then woke up in pain and pulled out her I.v. And tore off her oxygen. Her lumbar puncture did NOT go well yesterday. They tried twice and Mom refused any more tries. I don't blame her. Chemo needed to be started today, hence her move into ICU.She was put on a ventilator to breathe for her. They are keeping her as comfortable and "restful" as possible. The first blast of chemo was done in a half an hour. That was the one that is more likely to cause a bad reaction. Her blood pressure keeps dipping, but they are working with that too. Her other round of chemo was started after the first one. She got the emails and the hospitals makes them into cards. We are holding onto them. The doctor told us that without the chemo, she would have been dead by Monday. Now, being lung compromised, they are still only giving her a 15-20% chance to live. If you pray, keep on! She's conquered today! I suppose, my nerves are absolutely frazzled-WAY too many anxiety attacks for me today...I'll update tomorrow!
Love and hugs, Jess

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I am praying, I know its so difficult to handle all these, but God is powerful and He sends His angel around sick bed when we trust and pray. Praying for Gail to fellowship with Jesus Christ even when she was in ICU. Let God comfort her family in Jesus.


God's will must be done. By his stripes we are healed and sometime our healing come in our crossing over. The most important thing here is Gail's salvation and her daughters this is what God is waiting for. God has already answered the prayers now he is waiting on his answer to be received. Sometimes we want to hold on to our loved ones far to long pass their time and this is a bit selfish of us but undersandable but God is saying ensure that she get's into the kingdom by praying the sinner's prayer with her and let her have peace in him and then let her come home if that is his will or let her be totally healed and be a witness for him. God heals in total so whatever his will is it is total healing to include salvation. I guess you can say that seems to be a bit heartless but it is not listen to the letter of how much pain it is causing her to keep her hear think of her do you think she wants to be in that much pain all the time? I think not. I can say that because this is the same thing God told me at the passing of my brother, grandfathers, grandmother and best friend all within months and years of each other. So I can say that peace and comfort will come because he promised but the lesson of life is if we have God we have eternal life and this fleshly body is not our for ever we must return back to our spiritual form and then stand before the thorne and be judged. Let us chose eternal life not temporary exhistance. Agape and God Bless Pastor Tonja

Father, God, please stabilize this patient and strengthen and comfort the family. Lord, let them know that regardless of the outcome, You still love them all. We must always praise Thy name in all aspects of life. Father, if it be Thy Will, please bring life, love and health to this situation. Father, if it be the time of transition, we ask that it come peaceful and loving, and without pain. Let this be a time of nurturing for the family and friends. But if this bitter cup can be passed over, Father, we come to Thee in love and support and ask Thee to bring the outcome to a most wondrous condition. Whatever the situation, Lord, we ask that Thy name and Thy Will be Done and whatever brings Thee the glory be understood as right and just for our case. We raise the praises to Thee forever and count it done.

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