Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer
Posted on October 18, 2013 at 7:53pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
HEBREWS. 9:16-28 THE OLD AND NEW COVENANTS are actually" testaments" or wills. just as a will is not in force until the death of the one making it 9:16-17). so also both the old (9:18-22). and the new (9: 23-28) covenants necessitated a death. THE NEW COVENANT necessitated the death of christ himself, but this death occurred not once a year like the ot sacrifices(9:25) but one time only,making sufficient atonement for all who will accept his death on their behalf( 9:28) 9:28 includes the…
ContinuePosted on October 17, 2013 at 3:36pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
we should not believe everyone claiming divine inspiration. people may claim to revere jesus as a great teacher,but only those who acknowledge him as GOD IN THE FLESH are trruly christians. all others speak by the "SPIRIT OF THE ANTICHRIST" (4:3). and we should avoid them. when such false teachers come calling, we can be confident that the HOLY SPIRIT who indwells us is more powerful than the evil one who indwells them.* "THE ANTICHRIST" * will appear during the last days see>1 JOHN. 2:18…
ContinuePosted on October 8, 2013 at 4:35pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
the story now moves forward 28 years to john the baptist,who had been designated to prepare the way for christ 3:3 see>isa. 40:3-5 see> luke 1:13-17,76). john appeared as a strange prophet in the dersert of judea. his odd clothing of camel's hair may have reminded the people of elijah(see 2 kings 1:8) while his diet of locusts 3:4)may have helped him identify with the poor. many responded to john's message 3:5) his message had two points; * repent 3:2) *prepare for the kingdom of…
ContinuePosted on September 26, 2013 at 1:29pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
ACTS.13:42-52 "MANY JEWS RESPONDED TO THE GOSPEL 13:42-33 )however,when paul's next audience included many gentiles,the jews began opposing him 13:44-45) citing GOD'S ancient evangelistic charge to israel see isa. 43:8-13and 56:1-8) paul and barnabas preached to the gentiles,and many responded,leading the jews to expel them from the city acts 13:46-52)+++(acts. 14:1-6 going next to iconium,in galatia, paul again spoke in the synagogue,and many responded,both jews and greeks, once again the…
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